Kazuki Hasegawa

Hasegawa Kazuki


Gender Trans male
Pronouns He/him
Age Teen
Sexuality Bisexual
Species Human
Nationality/Race Japanese
Theme Color Red
Occupation Student at Tansou High School
Likes Writing, yuri, conbini sushi, sleeping, fast food
Dislikes Schoolwork, waking up early, when his late-night anime broadcasts get interrupted, his father, cicada song
Anzu Sister
Ren Boyfriend
Kohaku Foxfriend
Miya Boyfriend
Yasuo Boyfriend
Tomokazu Girlfriend
Gentaro "Fuck man, I don't know"

"Can't I get one date without being attacked by demons?"

Show Content
  • 1. Appearance
  • 2. Personality
  • 3: Backstory
  • 4: Powers
  • 5: Trivia


Kazuki is unusually short for his age, and has a scrawny, unathletic build and pale skin from spending so much time indoors watching anime. His hair and eyes are the same chestnut-brown color, and his hair is around chin-length. He has a dusting of freckles around his cheeks, on the bridge of his nose, and on his shoulders. He wears the Tansou High boy’s uniform with the blazer unbuttoned. When not in school, he tends towards graphic tees, hoodies, and jeans. Despite being relatively flat-chested, he binds regularly.


On the surface, Kazuki seems like a lazy, easygoing guy who just wants to watch anime, eat junk food, and avoid people trying to get him to do anything else. However, beneath this facade, hides a boy who desperately desires human connection, but is too terrified of rejection to actually pursue it. He hides his true feelings behind sarcasm as a coping mechanism, stemming from his trauma from his father's rejection of him when he came out as transgender. However, when push comes to shove, he will go to the end of the earth to defend his friends.


Kazuki was born as Anzu’s identical twin to Kagurazaki Miko and Hasegawa Gorou. His mother died giving birth to him. He had a distant relationship with his father, and a normal sibling relationship with Anzu. He originally attended St. Catherine’s School For Girls, but when he came out to his father, he bought Kazuki an apartment to live in by himself, where at the start of the story, he attends Tansou High in Tokyo and is in his second year.


Kazuki's lifestyle means that he isn't very athletic, and he has little aptitude for magic, but he is suprisingly inteligent and people-savvy- abilities which come in handy when dealing supernatural danger.
