Wafts In Like A Mist: Stage One- The Bar (fandom: Kiryu RPF, original date of publication: April 6th, 2020)

The busy hum of foot traffic filled the dimly-lit bar as Hiyori sighed, his fingers tracing the rim of his drink. Screw flatscans, screw dating apps, screw shitty guys who are nice on the net and then they’re creepy pieces of shit who- 


A short sob welled up in his throat. Don’t breathe, don’t breathe, don’t- 


“Hiyorin, you okay?” 


The mothlike mutant put his head down on the counter, ready to scream and cry at the same time, his stomach winding tighter and tighter. “Give me another drink.” 


The bartender rolled his eyes. “No.” 


Hiyori lifted his head up slightly, drooping his antennae and pursing his lips. “Please?” I need to forget the feeling of his hands on mine- the way he grabbed my antenna and wouldn’t- 


The bartender sighed. “You’re trying to go and drink your feelings away. Again. I’m cutting you off.” 


“Uggggg.” The tightness in his stomach wouldn’t cease, and he was too scared to take a breath, for fear that the floodgates would really be open- he’s not worth your anger, he’s not worth your pitty, he’s not worth your- 


His face, the way his eyes raked down his body and settled on his wings, his fingers, winding their way through his hair to make their way to his antennae- 


Hiyori’s fists balled up in his jeans, his eyes shut tight. Don’t cry don’t cry don’t- 


The way his face twisted in anger when Hiyori said no, no, I don’t have sex on the first date, the screaming, slut, piece of shit mutie tease, I never liked you anyway, your kind just whores around everywhere and then act like you’re oppressed when people want to fuck you- 


Fuck him, fuck him, FUCK HIM. 


Hiyori’s seat clanged to the ground as he got up, all conversation in the bar coming screeching to a halt. 


Faintly, in the back of his head, he noticed a coldness on his cheeks. 




Takemasa sighed, his head pressed up against the cold bathroom wall. Go out. Face the music. Just go out, you useless- 


Junji’s voice rang in his head. “It’s a mutant bar, for fuck’s sake. No one's gonna freak out because you look like-” he gestured around- “That.” 


He pulled his cloth mask up around his face, desperately trying to calm his raging heart. It’s fine. It’s gonna be fine. It’s fine. 


He pushed the door open, the sound of running water and conversation and people talking overwhelming him. 


On second thought, no. He sunk back down to the floor. Can’t I just lie to Junji? Say that I did talk to someone and be done with it. 


No. No. I’m not that chickenshit. This is a mutant bar, there are probably people here who look freakier than I do, so just- 




Oh god. Oh god, I’m crying in a bar because of some asshole flat. He got up, fingers wrapped tightly around the edge of his shirt,  I’m crying in a bar over nothing and I’m a disaster, I’m such a disaster I’m such a- 






Takemasa had just opened the door out of the bathroom, his heart pounding like mad when something hard and solid slammed into him. Fuck, fuck fuck fu- 


“Oh my god, are you okay?” Takemasa’s heart caught in his chest as he looked down. Lying on the floor at his feet was some sort of fairy, butterfly-like wings of soft pinks and yellows framing his slender frame, tears staining full-black eyes, soft pink hair falling around his pale face. 


Oh god. Oh my god. Gorgeous-Moth-Fairy-Guy pulled himself up off of the ground, his face forming into a scowl. Oh fuck oh fuck he hates me… “Are you…” 


Gorgeous-Moth-Fairy-Guy looked directly into Takemasa’s eyes, tear streaks plainly visible on his pale cheeks. “I’m fine.” 


Are you okay? was what Takemasa wanted to say, but he only managed to get out a stammer before Gorgeous-Moth-Fairy-Guy marched into the bathroom behind him, the door slamming shut. 


Takemasa stood, dumbstruck. Cute. So cute. So angry. So out of my league. 


His phone buzzed. Oh god. Junji. With trembling hands, he pressed play. 


“Hey, Take-kun! I was just wondering if you’d managed to talk to anyone?” 


Takemasa sighed. “Does bumping into someone count?” 


He could hear Junji sigh on the other end of the phone. “That depends. Did you actually say anything to him?” 


“I asked him if I could help him up. Does that count?” 


Another sigh. “Yeah, I guess it does.” 



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